Meet Hannah+ Hailey
They're friends who are both Midwives.
After years of working with expectant families in India, Costa Rica, Uganda, London and all over Scotland, we decided to bring together our experience in midwifery, yoga and hypnobirthing and co-founded Grow + Gather.
We are both now settled in Edinburgh and work with pregnant women and their families in our roles as NHS midwives. Hannah is a hypnobirthing teacher and Hailey is an antenatal and postnatal yoga instructor and we met whilst working in the same community midwifery team.
We are both passionate about antenatal education and want to make sure you are equipped for labour and parenthood; a journey that is both exciting and daunting.
We love to bring together local parents within relaxed and informal settings, ensuring you get the chance to meet other expectant parents in an atmosphere that is friendly and informative. Regardless of whether or not you join us for antenatal classes, 1:1 sessions or active birth workshops; our classes are honest, evidence-based and great fun.
I’m Hannah and I’m an NHS midwife and co founder of Grow + Gather.
I’m a mum to Arlo and Noah. When I have some free time I love cycling and swimming.
During the classes I will be helping you to feel prepared with honest advice and some hypnobirthing sessions too!
I love supporting families through pregnancy, labour and parenthood so I am looking forward to meeting you!
My Qualifications
BA Hons
Registered Nurse and Midwife with NMC
Dip HB (KGH)
MSc Midwifery

I’m Hailey, the other founder of Grow + Gather.
I’m a midwife in the NHS by day (and sometimes by night), dog mum, an auntie to two wonderful girls, wannabe baker, traveller and lover of mountains in my free time.
Fun fact... there has yet to be a birth I haven’t got emotional at.
Alongside Hannah, I will be offering real, honest and refreshing classes as well as yoga for labour and birth.
My Qualifications:
NMC midwife
Ante/Postnatal YTT
I’m Laura, midwife, qualified first aid instructor and newest member of the wonderful team that is Grow + Gather!
I’m a mum to three amazing kids. Graeson and twins Jessica & Jack.
Spare time usually involves washing, tidying and getting served play cups of coffee rather than a lovely hot one. However when time allows I love to spend time with family and friends, walks in the park with our two dogs (yep our house is as mad as it sounds!) and listening to a good audiobook.
My first aid classes will be ideal for expectant and new parents as well as anyone else who might be looking after your little one. I look forward to meeting you all soon!
NMC Midwife
Level 3 Award in Education and Training
Ofqual regulated First Aid Instructor