Dear Friends and Family,
We are so grateful to have such a supportive group of people in our lives and we know each of you have been excited alongside us. We cannot wait for you to meet the newest member of our family. We are slowly adjusting to our new normal and gaining confidence as the days progress. The nights can be long and sometimes this new job is overwhelming and scary.
We so appreciate all your kind words and offers of support and are so thankful for all of the gifts. We have been overwhelmed with peoples generosity. Many of you have asked how you can help in these first few weeks. I know we keep saying we are fine but actually there are a few things that we really need. It can be really hard to ask for help. We haven’t really had to do it much before now. We thought it might be useful if we shared some ideas of what might help make this transition easier.
1. Patience with Visits
As excited as we are to introduce our little one, we’ll be adjusting to a whole new rhythm, and things may be unpredictable. Short visits, and even some quick “drive-bys” for those who want a peek without too much interaction, would be great.
Please give us a heads-up before visiting, even if it’s just a quick text or call.
Don’t be offended if we don’t reply/ask you to wait. Sometimes the thought of playing host or getting dressed is just too overwhelming.
2. Food & Snacks
We’d love some help with meals! If cooking is your thing, feel free to drop off something simple and easy to reheat (freezable options are amazing too).
If cooking isn’t your forte, gift cards for a take away or some frozen pizzas would be a big help for those nights when we’re just too exhausted to make dinner.
3. Household Help
Our baby is all consuming and we have been learning how to care for them and feed them so basic things like tidying up, folding laundry, and keeping up with dishes have taken a back seat. If you’re comfortable lending a hand with those small tasks, it would be such a gift.
We won’t say no to a few loads of laundry here and there or someone running the vacuum over the floors!
We wont be offended if you just do these tasks, it can be really hard to ask for help and we might even say no when you first offer. Just keep asking or skip the asking altogether and plug in the hoover!
4. Flexible Support with Our Other Kids (or Pets)
For those of you who are close with our other child(ren) / pet(s), we’d love some help giving them attention too. A walk to the park, a playdate, or even just stopping by to say hi can help them feel loved and entertained.
5. A Little Grace for Us
We’ll be learning and finding our way as new parents, so if we forget to return calls, miss a few texts, or seem frazzled, just know that we’re doing our best! Your patience and understanding will be a huge relief.
6. Holding Off on Gifts (If You’d Like)
We probably have enough baby clothes for now. We understand these are adorable but it can be overwhelming keeping everything organised and clean. Less is probably more.
New mums are always appreciative of a small care package. We often get forgotten and in truth, my baby will probably do a huge poo all over that new babygro you bought. A moisturiser, some bath salts, a face mask. Something to celebrate the absolutely incredible life event that just took place. I am finding it hard to look after myself in amongst this, a beautiful candle or thoughtful journal might remind me to do this.
We would love something practical if you were keen to offer a gift. A first aid class, some feeding support or some nourishing food would all be ideal.
Thank you so much for being part of this journey with us. Your support means more than we can express, and knowing we have such a wonderful village around us brings so much peace. We’re excited for you all to meet our little one when the time feels right!
With all our love and gratitude.
