Welcoming a new born into your home is an incredible experience but it can be overwhelming too. Even as a nurse and midwife, I remember feeling so anxious when my first son was born. Was he breathing too fast? Did he feel too hot? What if he reached for that bottle top and managed to get it into his mouth? The questions and worries seemed endless. And as I slowly gained confidence as a new mum, I felt like each milestone brought with it another set of questions and concerns! As he rolled, started to crawl, cruised, walked, weaned...! Now with a pre-schooler and a baby in the house I am always amazed that we have only needed to go to Accident and Emergency once (so far!). Turns out wardrobe climbing is a bad idea....
This week we are welcoming Lyndsey Anderson to Midwife Musings. Lyndsey runs Mini First Aid Edinburgh, an amazing business which gives parents and carers the confidence to deal with first aid emergencies should they arise.
Welcome Lyndsey and that you for contributing! Tell us a little about yourself. Hello, my name is Lyndsey. I am a midwife, first aid trainer and a local mum to two
teenage boys. I launched Mini First Aid Edinburgh and West Lothian a year ago this
month. I run baby and child first aid classes for parents, carers and grandparents and more
recently I have started teaching first aid to children as young as 3 years old right the way
up to teenagers.
How did you become interested in first aid?
I worked for many years in the postnatal ward and saw every day how overwhelming it is to take a new wee human being home. When the opportunity came up to run these classes I thought how amazing to give parents the knowledge and confidence to deal with a first aid emergency, it’s something I wish I got offered as a new parent. These skills are so important as you never know when you will be faced with something, it might not be your own child, it could be someone out in the street!
What do you find most rewarding about your work with Mini First Aid Edinburgh?
I love how a 2-hour informal and relaxed class can make such a difference to every
parent. Just having the peace of mind that you would know what to do if your baby was
choking or stopped breathing. You are better to know and never need it than need it and
not know!
Are your classes best taken during pregnancy or would you recommend waiting until baby is here?
You can take the class whenever feels right for you. We teach lots of
expectant parents but we also get people when their child is about 6 months (when they
are weaning) and then older. We also teach grandparents, aunties, uncles and babysitters.
It’s a great class for anyone that is going to be around children. And you can always
come back for a refresher!
What topics do you cover in your class?
Our classes cover CPR, choking, bumps, burns, bleeding and breaks as well as meningitis, safe sleeping, and febrile convulsions. There is lots of time to practice manoeuvres and ask questions.
What are your top tips for expectant parents or new mums and dads? Is there anything we can do to before baby arrives?
My top 3 tips would be:
Get yourself booked onto a class so you are prepared
Make sure you have a first aid kit, not just one in the house but also one for your changing bag or under the buggy as its when you are out and about that you will probably need it!
Make sure you have a note of emergency numbers and know where your closest children’s A&E is.
Where can couples find you if they would like more information or would like to book a class?
You can find me on:
On Instagram: minifirstaidedinburgh
Thank you so much Lyndsey! Your classes sound brilliant and so reassuring for those either expecting a new baby or looking after a small person already. If you are keen to find out more, get in touch with Lyndsey at the details above.
